Are you inspired by our mission? Want to be part of our team? Then apply! We are accepting applications for the following positions:​
Social Media Manager (needed)
Webmaster (needed)
Finance Team (needed)
Blogging Team (open to all)
Graphic Design Team (needed)
Outreach Team (needed)
Creative Team (open to all)
Prospective members will need to fill out an application to be considered. We are looking for members that will be committed and are able to dedicate their time to help GenAZN. Accepted members will be put on a trial period before assuming a permanent position.
Position Descriptions
will be updated regularly with needed positions
Social Media Manager
Do you want to use social media for change? We're looking for someone who will be in charge of our social media accounts. Responsibilities will include posting to our social media accounts and updating them as needed. Applicants should have Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok and be comfortable in using these platforms.
Do you know how to create a website? Like to coordinate colors and pages and add info? This is the position for you! We're looking for a group of people that will be able to manage and update our website. Experience with website creation and management is preferred, but not required.
Finance Team
Members of the Finance Team will work with the Head of Finance to create the budget and to fundraise money. We are looking for 3-4 (number subject to change) members that are able to dedicate their time to brainstorming and carrying out fundraising operations as needed throughout the year.
Blogging Team
(open to all)
This is a relatively relaxed commitment, and gives AAPI students and their allies an opportunity to share their opinions on various topics of their own choosing. Writers have the opportunity to work with their own schedule with their own topics, and will work with the Blog Editors to release their articles. All those who would like to be part of the Blogging Team will be accepted.
Graphic Design Team
Members of the Graphic Design Team will work with the Head of Graphic Design to create graphics and social media posts for our various platforms. We are looking for members that are creative, have an eye for design, and are able to dedicate their time to brainstorming and creating social media posts. Experience with graphic design programs such as Canva is preferred.
Outreach Team
Members of the Outreach Team will work with the Director of Outreach and Planning to reach out to various schools, youth organizations, and programs to increase GenAZN's connections within the wider community. Additionally, members will also help to plan rallies and events that GenAZN will host. We are looking for members that are able to dedicate their time to brainstorming ideas for rallies and events, and are able to confidently communicate with others.
Creative Team
(open to all)
Calling all Creatives! This is a relatively relaxed commitment, allowing all artists, photographers, producers, and poets to get their creative juices flowing and a chance to showcase the work in their own medium! Additionally, members of the creative team also have the opportunity to work with the Director of Media Production to document GenAZN's events. All those who would like to be part of the Creative Team will be accepted.
Here is the application for GenAZN's team. You can either fill it out here or click here to open it in a separate tab and work on it there. Good luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply and participate in multiple positions?
Yes, you can apply for multiple positions, but you will only be able to participate in one of our "needed" positions (i.e. Head of Finance, Blog Editors, Graphic Design Team, etc.). In addition to a "needed" position, you may also opt to participate in an "open to all" position (i.e. Blogging Team and Creative Team) if you would like.
Do I need to be Asian or Pacific-Islander to apply?
No, of course not! GenAZN welcomes all AAPI and allies--everyone who is passionate to fight for this cause regardless of ethnicity is encouraged to apply!
Can I get service hours for this?
Yes! Being part of GenAZN's team does give you service hours (more info coming soon!)